Thursday, August 20, 2009

Topic Du Jour

In keeping with an idea I found on Litemind, here is the Topic du Jour: Home. For those of you unfamiliar with this exercise, this is where I ramble on for a few paragraphs about said topic, probably not reaching anything so lofty as a conclusion.

So without further ado:

What makes a place home? Comfort, peace, a sense of ease? The kitchen? The bedroom? A boundary drawn between the chaotic evils of the world and ourselves?

And, of course, let's not forget congenial company. Family, relations, friends, acquaintances. Well, maybe not acquaintances. And the gods. (Or God, if you prefer.)

All of these are parts of home, but the whole - the ideal - is both larger and simpler.

Someone's home is an intimate description of them: their sense of aesthetics, cleanliness, religion, literacy, etcetera ad nauseum. For example, I'm a messy slob - my home reflects this. I love food, as the wear and patina of use in the kitchen testifies. I'm a spiritual person as evidenced by what for lack of a better word we call the altar room. And so on.

Chez moi. My place.

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