Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day?

Yay environment....

Call me sociopathic, but I find it hard to care about the environment. At least, to the point of giving up the things I've become addicted to. My car, for instance. It's going on thirty years old if it hasn't passed it, it guzzles gas like there's no tomorrow and burning ethanol in it is guaranteed to fry its engine. And I can't replace it with something cleaner, since there is no money to do so. And the buses here are a joke - I'm not tying up two hours of my day in exchange for saving a little pollution. Especially not when the bus runs on diesel.

Car companies offering up hybrid engines, electric engines and ethanol friendly engines is all well and good, but poor bastards like me can't afford the prices. Oh well. There has to be some way of helping out our poor, ailing planet. Let's see, I could give up smoking...nah. I could recycle. Wait, I already do that. It's good to get a little cash back for those cans and bottles.

If I owned my home, I could insulate the hell out of it. Perhaps send off for some do-it-yourself solar panels. But I don't own my home. *Sigh*

I could write to my congressman and demand new and tougher laws on environmental issues. For what that would be worth.

But we should all do something and keep doing it. For the sake of the kids. I have to be honest: if I didn't have my son to worry about, I wouldn't care at all. But I do, so I do. And so should you.

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